Kinetic Classic Hip Wader Bootfood (P) #39 Dark Green
Artikelnummer: H14003439
49,99 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Watstiefel mit Profilsohle
Our Classic Hip Wader Bootfoot waist-high waders are designed with rugged, heavy-duty nylon that's been coated with PVC to guarantee they'll take lots of punishment and still keep you dry. Belt straps ensure waders stay securely in place. Lightweight PVC boots with cleated soles grip slick terrain and resist wear and tear.
- Heavy-duty nylon coated with PVC
- Lightweight PVC boots with cleated soles
- Belt straps
Hersteller:Fairpoint Outdoors A/S (mit der Marke: Kinetic)Gydevang 43450 AllerodDenmark
+45 48
+45 48