Kinetic Marshall 3000 FD

Artikelnummer: B110023007

39,99 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


inkl. geflochtener Schnur

Match the performance of more expensive reels with the Kinetic Marshall spinning reels. Built saltwater tough, it's priced to please. This dependable workhorse boasts corrosion-resistant carbon-composite frame and rotor, a strong double anodized aluminum spool and a stainless steel main shaft. Comes with 4-braid fishing line on the spool.

  • Graphite body
  • Powerful drag system
  • Highly durable gear system
  • Comfortable handle
  • Prespooled with 4-braid
  • Kugellager 2+1
  • Übersetzung: 5,0:1
  • Rollengewicht ca.: 250g
  • Schnurfassung ca.: 0,30mm/180m (mono)
  • bespult mit geflochtener Schnur: 0,16mm
Hersteller:Fairpoint Outdoors A/S (mit der Marke: Kinetic)Gydevang 43450 AllerodDenmark
+45 48